
Showing posts with label The moment can`t forget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The moment can`t forget. Show all posts

1 December 2012

The Great Kumamoto Castle

Our next destination after a chill visit to Ultraman Land was Kumamoto Castle which is located at Kumamoto Prefecture.  I think this is the land of Samurai because  so many samurai sculpture can be seen along our way to the castle. The famous Samurai Miyamoto Musashi, also had be said lived in this castle for some times. The spirit of samurai can be felt at every corner of the castle.

The original design was made by wood and stone before undergo several reconstruction to expand the castle and some rehabilitation due to fire damage. In 1960, the castle was reconstructed using concrete as seen nowadays. See here

In front of one of Kumamoto Castle main gate

The other side of Kumamoto Castle entrance

The hugh Akazuno gate

Us with the samurai

In front of the Castle

Smile ;)


Entrance to the castle with incredibly amazing stone wall

Prototype of original design of Kumamoto Castle in 1467

If you have a chance to visit Kumamoto, I strongly advise you to add this as MUST VISIT PLACE.   I am not a castle hunter but I really admire Kumamoto Castle eventhough it has been reconstructed several times since 1467. Come and see the beauty and amazing architecture of the castle.

Until we meet again.


29 November 2012


It was a dream come true when the diehard fans of ultraman meets their favourite characters in Ultraman Land, (while writing this I am wondering who is ultraman diehard fan actually)...Abang Haziq???Angah Hazim??? OR........jeng jeng jeng.

Ultraman land is situated at Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan.  It takes about 1 hour and another extra minutes from Fukuoka by car below 2000CC and driving speed of 100km/h...ngeeeee. We went there to celebrate Haziq`s 7th Bestday Anniversary and have fun with all generation of ultraman.  Not sure la if all generation working on that day....but I am sure almost of them were there because...`Ibu..tu Cosmos`..`Ibu, tu Dyna`..Ibu, tu.....` wokeyyyy..for sure if final exam paper of year one student sounds like this,

Question 1-10
See the picture and fill in the blanks with ultraman name 

taraaaa...definitely, Haziq can simply answer it. 
Entrance fees for adults and children is  800 Yen(no exemption for 3 years old child) .  If you come by a car, parking ticket cost about  500Yen for a single entrance. However the best part was, we entered the building many time as we like as long the ticket were safely kept in the pocket (three times maaaa..kitarang guna kemudahan nie...hehehehe..sampai kali ketiga, diarang dah tak minta tiket dah....keh keh keh)

Stage performance has started when we arrived.  The loud sounds can be heard from the building...sebelah my role was much needed.  `Haaaa..dah start..dah start..cepat2...toink toink toink, ibu was much excited than the kids.  Yela, Haziq still in dizzy mood after a long journey and Hazim was crying  when hearing the big noise coming from the building. Apa laaa...kata fans. 
The building area is small and the most attractive attraction were stage performance by ultraman and the monsters, photoshot with ultraman (it is FOC), greeting session (FOC too...well, you pay  800Yen maaa), and mini playground for the children. more.....this is win-win situation for the kids and ultraman...THE GIFT SHOP!!!..My eyes keeps on blink blink seeing so many cute stuff in the shop.  There were a small cute blue cushion in front of the shop entrance and the price cost only 500Yen.  So, we grab two of these cushions....then we looked for the t-shirt....unfortunately, there was no size that suits be fair, Hazim`s t-shirt was also cancelled.  :(.  Bla..bla..bla...finally, some small stuff were also succesfully added in the shopping basket  (kena tanya ibu ayah dulukan..boleh ke tak boleh beli)...hehe. Next, pay time!!!
Oppsss.....the cashier tells us something...but we couldn`t was about the cute blue cussion.  She said this...we said u uh...(we don`t understand)..she said that..we said u uh too...hahahahaha..finally, we UNDERSTOOD!!! The 500 yen is the price for the lucky draw.  If  I am lucky enough, I can get the cushion maa...if not, I still have a chance to win other prizes...tak moh la....nanti kechewa. kih kih kih.
So, we entered the building three times just to see the stage performance and took picture with ultraman.  At third round Haziq asked me...`ibuuuu..bila nak balik...`....and I replied...` alaaaa..jom le, last, last....lepas nie tak datang dah, tengok puas2`..dengan muka monyok ikutle masuk, hehe. 
Our next location for that day was Kumamoto Castle which took about 1 hour 30 minutes driving from Ultraman Land.

Until we meet again.
Note: we did not really said `u uh` just a symbolic writing to ` we do not understand` ;).  We had polite conversation.

26 November 2012

Happy 7th Birthday on 18 November 2012

4.4 kg!!! Itulah berat abang pada 18 November, 7 tahun lepas . Waktu tu, ibu masih belajar lagi kat UPM...memandu sorang-sorang dari Wangsa Maju ke Serdang hampir 80km plus plus sehari (setelah dicampur pergi balik dan termasuk singgah kat AEON Wangsa feveret stopper ever).  

Masa abang lahir kat Wad Pembedahan Hospital Kuala Lumpur, semua nurse tanya, 'ha, mana budak yang tak mahu keluar2 tu' ...wakakaka...akibat keluar masuk hospital banyak kali sampai nurse2 dah kenal ibu.  Dan yang paling ibu ingat sampai ler ke hari nie....doktor pelatih (yelaa kut...tengok gayanya) tanya Doktor Senior (yelah kut...tengok gayanya)....lebih kurang begini bunyinya dalam alih bahasa...'nak potong kat mana' ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....uhuk uhuk....tersedak ibu you...Nasib baik ada Doktor Bius melayan ibu berborak bertanya life kat parit raja, shopping kat mana kat PR dan macam2 ler. Mmmmm....after the operation.....apa lagi, kena tahan kat wad khas ler ibu...that was the old story...tak mau cerita lebih2 la..yang penting kita mesti memberi sokongan kepada para pelatih diseluruh Malaysia...wakakakaka.  Nasib bernafas lagi....Alhamdulillah.

Haaaa...lagi satu yang paling ibu tak lupa...bulu kening abang elek!! The roma blues pun elek...rambut pun ala2 segan je nak tumbuh....tapi tu dulu la....SEKARANG!!!! Perghhh, kalah Adam Mukhriz aka AM,  jika Ain Hawani nampak abang dulu....tak de can la Johan nak tackle...hehehehehe.  Semua anak adalah hero kepada setiap ibu yang melahirkan.

Banyak pahit manis sepanjang ibu membesarkan abang.  Semua ibu semat kemas-kemas dalam hati. Ibu doakan, semoga abang menjadi anak yang baik, taat pada perintah Allah, berjaya di dunia dan akhirat, jangan lalai dalam berkawan, berusaha untuk menjadi seseorang, hormat ibu, ayah serta orang sekeliling dan menjadi abang yang baik kepada adik.


Sempena hari lahir abang...kita ronda-ronda melawata Ultraman kat Kumamoto....cewahhhh..ibu plak yang teruja nak jumpa Cosmos. Ekekeke..

Ibu sayaaaaaaaaannnggg abanggg Haziq!!!Muah Muah


15 November 2012

When the young atheletes meets..

Gambar akan menceritakan seribu satu cerita. Atas dasar falsafah inilah, saya masukkan gambar-gambar sahaja untuk entry ini....(psssstttt...pssstttt...sebenarnya dah tension, Sabtu malam Ahad yang lepas dah tulis entry nie....tup tup, tersedar pukul 3 pagi lebih...bila masa ler pulak tertidurnyer....dengan baki semangat yang ada, petang Ahad keesokkannya, update ler semula entry nie....waaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......terlena lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!Udahlah, malas dah...) layan ajelah gambar-gambar yang diambil menggunakan HTC Clever Phone ai nie... Gambar-gambar nie aktiviti sukan anjuran Shirohama Hoikuen Angah Hazim yang ke 40 pada 29hb September yang lepas. Sukan dalam Bahasa Jepun disebut sebagai 'UNDOUKAI'.


11 September 2012

Tokyo SkyTree Tower

Visiting The Tallest Broadcasting Tower in The World is like a dream come true.  We went there on our trip to Tokyo last week and we had an opportunity to view Tokyo from the top of SkyTree Steel Tower at night. The entrance fee is Yen2000 per adults, Yen900 for student age between 6-11 years old and for my little one Hazim is FOC (phewwww...sambil kesat dahi..hehehehe). Lucky us that we could get to the top without facing the long queue.  ( I was told that it was fully booked until December 2012....lucky maaa).

Sharing some info, on 17 Novermber 2011, it was recognized by Guinness Book of Record as the tallest tower in the world with 634m height (see here).  My Kuala Lumpur Tower which was constructed in 1994 is at the 7th world ranking  with 421 m height .

List of world`s tower
Not to be confused with the Burj Dubai, the SkyTree drop under tower structure category meanwhile Burj Dubai was categorized as building structure.

List of world`s building structure
My first impression when getting out from the lift was `WOW`!! Tokyo city was so amazing at night.  I  saw the beautiful and colorful light all around.  Lip laaaaap lip laaaaap. Spontaneously, ......wahhhhh!!! But, I can not take good quality pictures because my camera was broken.....sob sob sob, anyway, infinite thanks to my HTC Clever phone ( not too smart sebab tak leh received MMS...ngeeee), at least it can snap one or two pic lah kan kan.

The kelakar part was (to me laaa....), we could not find the tower when getting out from the train station....tup tup one of us realized...'atas tu laaaa'...I was standing exactly under the Tokyo SkyTree Tower!!...mmmm...ok tak, the train station is under the capture the full view of the tower, one need to walk a few meter from the station...but it was raining, we could only jenguk2 ala2 malu ajer...hehehehe.  

I am standing on a glass slab....kowaii.......if you have a chance to visit this tower, don't miss this opportunity.

Oklah, feel sleepy now...have to stop for today...

until we meet again, Insya-Allah.


Universal Studio Japan, Osaka

Assalamualaikum dan Good Day to All!!

Mmm...lebih dari sebulan tidak bersiaran...hehe, banyak perkara yang hendak dikongsikan bersama...macam2 ler kat kepala nie tapi bila buka blog..mmm....macam blur pula rasanya.  Sebenarnya ini entry pertama setelah lama berehat, tetapi entry I Luv Sugar, but... di post terlebih dahulu.

10 Ogos 2012 yang lepas kami anak beranak meredah kepanasan Osaka untuk ke Universal Studio Japan (masih dalam bulan puasa tu...tapi nak pergi punya pasal, semua dah tak hengat).  Mmm....suhu panasnya lebih kurang macam negara  Malaysia tercinta tapi perbezaannya ialah seperti berikut, Malaysia panas lembap dan Jepun pula mengalami panas kering...cuba you all bayangkan dah la panas, kering le pula tu, puasa lagi....cari kerja le pula menempek kat USJ...(sape suruh, padanlah muka kan)...hehe.

Di Osaka, kami menginap di Tsuruhashi Toyoko-Inn selama 2 malam.  Kat Jepun ni, kebanyakkan hotel rate berdasarkan kepala bukan bilik. Contohnya, satu kepala Yen4,000, bilik pula hanya boleh menempatkan dua orang sahaja bagi double twin room, so, harga bilik ialah Yen8,000. Ada juga hotel charge duit shower, tiada sarapan pagi dll...(kat sini semuanya duit wokey), tapi nasib baik ada Toyoko-Inn, harganya agak murah (jadi ahli ada diskaun - hari biasa 5%, cuti umum atau cuti perayaan -20%), ada sarapan pagi (walaupun tak boleh makan kecuali nasi kepal dan teh/kopi sahaja), free Wifi di setiap bilik, harga mengikut bilik (tapi tak boleh buat mcm kat Malaysia satu bilik tu masuk 4-5 orang...kena ikut peraturannya).  Bilik kami double twin room hanya boleh menempat dua dewasa dan dibenarkan 2 kanak2 sahaja.  Biliknya kecil dan untuk sembahyang agak tidak selesa. Apa nak buat, USJ punya pasal. Copp...lagi satu yang istimewa kat Jepun nie, diskaun hotel lebih tinggi masa cuti umum berbanding hari biasa. Interesting kan kan.......kiranya keselesaan pelanggan yang diutamakan. Bila cerita pasal nie, teringat pula kawasan parking kat hospital area rumah lama dulu, pakir dalam hospital untuk pelanggan, pakir luar hospital untuk kakitangannya ( tetapi almost semua hospital pakir berbayar dan terhad, yang saya sebutkan di atas di kawasan agak perkampungan sedikit, so, pakir free dan dekat dengan pintu masuk).

Mmm..panjang la pula, belum lagi cerita pasal USJ. 

Agak tidak bernasib baik, kami ke USJ pada cuti sekolah, jadi ramailah orang berpusu-pusu ke sini. Dalam kepanasan beratur beli tiket nasib baik Angah Hazim sukarela tak nak berdukung...hehe, jika tak lenguh weii. Harga satu tiket Yen6000++/seorang dewasa.  Kelebihannya?????..boleh main semua kat dalam tu jika larat.  Jika tak, ada pilihan, iaitu harga tiket Yen4000++, hanya boleh main permainan tertentu sahaja (tapi sampai kat kami, tiket nie dah sold out)..huhuhu....bukan apa, dah le orang ramai...nak kena beratur satu game pula hampir sejam...tu belum ragam anak-anak...conferm tak boleh nak main semua...tetapi dah sold out, nak wat camne kan, boli ajolah apo yang ado.  

Bab makan pula, bagi muslim agak susah sikit, kami dah siap2 beli nasi kepal banyak2 kat convenience store berhampiran hotel dan mee soba. Nasib duduk dua hari aje....hehehe. Air alhamdulillah, no problem, banyak vending machine sepanjang berada dalam USJ.

Kami diberikan map USJ di pintu masuk..mmm...pening nak tengoknya....sebab banyak sangat kawasan nak kena p, pas tu dalam bahasa Jepun pula....(Bi dah habis katanya)...dalam hati nak p sini, p sana , pas tu sinun pule...akhirnya kami buat keputusan, pergi game yang hanya boleh lepas ketinggian Haziq dan Hazim sahaja (setelah mempertimbangkan ratusan pengunjung pada hari itu). Dan banyak game tidak memenuhi ketinggian Hazim...stay dengan ibu je lah kan..hehehe...naik big cup pusing2 ngan ibu pun best apa....ngeeeee.  Oleh yang demikian,bagi yang berhajat hendak ke USJ, pastikan anak anda tinggi- setingginya..hehehehe, mcm Haziq, umurnya 7 tahun jika ikutkan banyak juga tak lepas, tapi nasib baik tingginya macam budak 12 tahun...heheh....berbaloi 6000. Hahahahaha.

Bagi Muslim yang hendak ke sini (dan ke mana2 pun), jangan lupa bawa alat penentu arah kiblat.  kami solat kat dalam apa ke nama tempat game tu...penuh orang  tapi ada beberapa sudut lepak2....ada juga nihonjin yang bentang tikar tidur kat di situ (penat le tu main roller coster). Agak selesa, ada aircond, toilet pun ada untuk ambil air sembahyang dan boleh sembahyang dengan relaksnya sebab diarang tak kisah pun kita nak menunaikan solat asalkan bukan dilaksanakan tengah2 jalan sudah la.  Alhamdulillah, di Jepun, budaya menghormati agama lain amat tinggi.

Okey, tak nak cerita banyak2 dah..jom layan gambar-gambar kami di USJ....

Lawatan kami di USJ diakhiri dengan perarakan kereta berhias yang BEST!! yang bermula pada pukul 8.00 mlm waktu Jepun dan sejam kemudian kami bertolak balik ke hotel dalam kepenatan tetapi penuh dengan senyuman.

Entry gedik sat

Ok, until we meet again.


25 July 2012


Nagashi soumen!!!

Soumen is the Japanese Special Noodle which usually serve in cold with other ingredient such as green vegetables, tsuyu (fish sauce), and chilli during summer. See here.  The difference from other noodles is on how it is serve....mmmmm.....guess how? hehe

I had a chance experiencing Nagashi soumen 2 days before Ramadhan with my laboratory members.  We had it in our concrete laboratory during lunch hour.   Credit to the lab members who made an effort in planning this events, preparing the ingredients and the most important, 'hunting' and preparing the bamboo (this the main material tau). And me?????Just waiting with the chopstick beside the bambooo....haha...lazy huh...
Soumen flows (by water) in the bamboo from the top to the end and all of us waiting beside the bamboo to catch the flowing soumen. Interesting kan?  So, there should be a person who 'release' the soumen at the starting point, and 'persons' waiting to catch the soumen...cer teka, which person I am...hehehehe.  Hungry ma.....

We take turn of coz....

Then, the soumen was dipped in the tsuyu together with other ingredient depends on individual (as for me, I did not add chilli in my dish).

It is simple, delicious and happening ( I mean my first experience eating noodles from the bamboo sticks).  Can it be adopted to Malaysia tak? Method nye la....bamboo ada, noodles ada (pakai mee kuning...hahaha), vegetables ada....mmmm...why not?  Just need a person who willing go into the jungle to find the bamboo coz our jungle is not the same as Japan forest.  Ngeeeee....

Ok, until we meet again, babai.

16 July 2012

A visit to blueberry nomura

"Nak pergi Tosu tak?" tanya big boss sekembali dari hantar Abang Haziq ke masjid hari ini.  Sempena kedatangan bulan Ramadhan ini, masjid menjalankan aktiviti buat anak-anak di sini untuk mengenali bulan yang mulia nie. (Setiap anak-anak dibekalkan jadual puasa masing-masing, bagus juga, satu semangat buat Abang Haziq).  Memandangkan puasa di sini lebih 12 jam, nak didik abang berpuasa berperingkat.

Perghhh..bagaikan buah jatuh ke riba..."Haaa, ada sale ke?" (Sudah tentu nakkkkkkkk!!!!)

"Taklah, diarang ajak pergi petik blueberry kat sana, lepas ambil abang kita follow diarang".....

Lima buah kereta bergerak dari masjid ke arah Tosu yang mengambil masa satu jam lebih termasuk sesat 50++ meter...hehehehehe. Nama tempat ini BLUEBERRY NOMURA yang terletak di Kurume (bukan Tosulah big bosss, Tosu jiran sebelah menyebelah aje).  Ladangnya di mata kasar nie tak la terlalu besar.  Fees untuk masuk dewasa Yen 500 dan kanak-kanak sekolah rendah Yen 200 sahaja. Untuk Angah Hazim...FOC aje.  Aktivitinya?.....picking and eating (tapi tak boleh bawa keluar ya).  Makan kat situ juga.

Mmmm, macamana nak kenal kemanisan buah nie..meh makcik ajar...seperti yang dijelaskan oleh petugas di situ....lagi gelap warnanya lagi manis...mmm, tapi yang tinggal yang masam-masam aje...adalah beberapa pokok yang manis....(apalagi makan le puas-puas...500 yen yuran masuk beb!!!! hahahahaha, idak lah...adalah kesopanan dan kesusilaannya) dan seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Aqil-kun kat aunty wawa nie, lagi bawah lagi manis...hehe

Seperti yang semua sedia maklum...blueberry ni dan adik ipar sepupu sepapat dia  (famili berry berry nielah)...adalah ajen antioksida yang sangat baik. Maknanya bagus untuk kesihatan. Lihat sini, dan sini (suka tengok blogger lain tulis mcmanie...nak le cuba gak buat link mcm nie....hehehehe...). Di atas manfaatnya yang sangat bagus menyahkan oksida dalam badan...sebab tu jika tengok status kat FB..." uih sakit oat..nak berry berry"....kaver line sungguh.

Angah Hazim, dek kerana dalam kereta tinton dan dikejutkan dengan paksa rela, mood agak kurang. Makanya, gambar pun agak kurang le angah. .  Dengan cuaca yang panas sekarang nie, jenuh gak nak berdukung aje. Tapi nasib baik segera recharge...dapatlah shoot satu dua gambar.

Sebelum balik, sempat juga kami semua relaks di sudut rehat yang menarik sambil menikmati ABC blueberry.  Harganya Yen 350...lebih kurang anggapan tiga ringgit lima puluh sen...tapi jangan convert ke RM yang sebenar ya.....jika tak ia akan menjadi hampir RM 12!! Blueberry Nomura ini di buka pukul 9.00 pagi dan di tutup pada pukul 5.00 petang...dan group kami yang terakhir keluar...hehehehe.

Dan selesai entry ini, kedua-dua hero telah lena diulit mimpi...penat la tu.

Until we meet again...babai.

Pembetulan: Entry ini ditaip pada 15hb Julai tetapi dipost ke blog pada 16 Julai. Harap maklum.

12 June 2012

New Born Blog

Assalamualaikum dan Good Day to All, I am so happy having this blog. Lihat ramai kawan-kawan ada blog, teringin juga nak satu. Boleh coret coret apa-apa yang patut masa boring. Kadang-kadang tu banyak sangat perkara nak cerita, kat FB oppssss..., bukan semua kita boleh cerita kat situ, hubby plak, well....I am not a person who like to share certain story with him verbally, the kiddosss....WALLAAA!!!great but for sure kita yang pening balik sebab macam-macam soalan bertubi-tubi akan keluar. So, I think writting is the best idea. I will try....(coz ada dah satu blog dulu...mmm....bungkus) I will love this blog. Yesssszaaaa!!!!