The Tallest Broadcasting Tower in The World is like a dream come true. We went there on our trip to Tokyo last week and we had an opportunity to view Tokyo from the top of SkyTree Steel Tower at night. The entrance fee is Yen2000 per adults, Yen900 for student age between 6-11 years old and for my little one Hazim is FOC (phewwww...sambil kesat dahi..hehehehe). Lucky us that we could get to the top without facing the long queue. ( I was told that it was fully booked until December 2012....lucky maaa).
Sharing some info, on 17 Novermber 2011, it was recognized by Guinness Book of Record as the tallest tower in the world with 634m height (
see here). My Kuala Lumpur Tower which was constructed in 1994 is at the 7th world ranking with 421 m height .
Not to be confused with the Burj Dubai, the SkyTree drop under tower structure category meanwhile Burj Dubai was categorized as building structure.
My first impression when getting out from the lift was `WOW`!! Tokyo city was so amazing at night. I saw the beautiful and colorful light all around. Lip laaaaap lip laaaaap. Spontaneously, ......wahhhhh!!! But, I can not take good quality pictures because my camera was broken.....sob sob sob, anyway, infinite thanks to my HTC Clever phone ( not too smart sebab tak leh received MMS...ngeeee), at least it can snap one or two pic lah kan kan.
The kelakar part was (to me laaa....), we could not find the tower when getting out from the train station....tup tup one of us realized...'atas tu laaaa'...I was standing exactly under the Tokyo SkyTree Tower!!...mmmm...ok tak, the train station is under the capture the full view of the tower, one need to walk a few meter from the station...but it was raining, we could only jenguk2 ala2 malu ajer...hehehehe.
I am standing on a glass slab....kowaii.......if you have a chance to visit this tower, don't miss this opportunity. |
Oklah, feel sleepy now...have to stop for today...
until we meet again, Insya-Allah.
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